Ya know, before the Nutrition Mission found me- I guess you could say I was all over the place with my unhealthy (but delicious) life choices.
Let's not lie...I really enjoyed my time getting crazy by the Vending Machine.
I think my entire 401k is invested in that machine...so there goes my beach house, and the pink Vespa that was going to drive me there one day.
(...hope those bajillion snickers bars were worth it!)
For those of you addicted to snacking- look at me and ask yourself- is it really worth spending $$$$ every day on chocolate bar after chocolate bar?
(it really kind of is...so you do you.)
HOWEVER- switching from 5 Diet Cokes a day to just 1- or even none- and doing all water has truly made me feel lighter than a feather.
I feel like a new person!
Also- cutting out the vending machine snacks, as well as fast food has made a vast difference in my life.
I'm really proud of the #GDC Anchor Team for doing this. It truly is life changing.
Will I do it forever? I don't know.
For now though, it's working well!
Y'all, it's time to take a look back- into a time when I was wrapped up in snacking, living a wild life of time spent at the vending machines, Ben & Jerry's, and not a care in the world about weight gain or poor health due to over snacking on chips! #sorryIwasntsorry
Let's begin with a question I think we've all asked ourselves...
What would I do for a Klondike Bar?
Geez, practically anything- until we started this Nutrition Mission. It's really killin' my vibe. I really miss my Klondikes. Especially the Heath Bar Klondikes...ugh, I can't even think about it without mild depression kicking in. I guess somebody could slip a zoloft in my Kale...maybe it would make it taste better?
It's okay, guys. Don't worry about me- I've replaced my daily Klondike intake with a daily spoonful of lentils and kale chips instead.
It's fine.
No, really, it's almost fine.
Oh, here's me just over a year ago celebrating our web producers birthday!
I'm a little forgetful, so when I heard it was her birthday- I did the right thing. I went to the vending machine, and bought her a huge Almond Joy.
Too bad she never saw it, because I ate it on the way up to her desk.
...stealing from co-workers for my chocolate fix. Tisk Tisk.
"My blood sugar was feeling a little low" I needed them more than she did.
Was I sorry? No.
Am I sorry now? I plead the 5th.
Only if you're my trainer would you roll your eyes, and maybe quit...(if you do, take the scale with you- and tell me where you hid all my Cracker Jacks and Almond Joys!)
Oh, quick shot here of me reading about festive southern snacks I can buy!
(Thanks to my favorite magazine- Garden & Gun!)
Here's another pressing question one might ask...
Who loves a good Lilly Pulitzer Animal Cracker?
Nutrition Mission or not, this snack is more of a fashion DO for me...so I have to eat them. NBD, it's not like it's a lifetime supply of gushers or something- just a cute box filled with cracker giraffes, hippos, and llamas for my delicious enjoyment!
Sorry i'm not sorry, but these little babies will ALWAYS be in my pantry! Cuties!
Nutrition Mission has helped me make better snack choices.
Here's what I have subbed out-
Lays Potato Chips- Apple with Natural Peanut Butter.
Snickers Bars- Kind Bars
Diet Coke/Mtn Dew- Water
Chardonnay- Chardonnay
I'm so thankful to have this challenge, and to be able to strive for a healthier life style.
Remember- if you're joining me in this journey, I want to hear from YOU!
I want to know if it's been tough for you, or if it's easy peasy.
I also want to tell you that you do not have to be perfect.
You will slip.
In fact, i'm sitting here right now drinking half a diet coke...but i've had 2 waters already.
I have allowed myself a soda every 3 days, because of headaches from cutting off caffeine all together.
I've learned that -
Kale Chips make me want to vom
An apple a day REALLY DOES keep the doctor away
Water really does encourage healthier skin and weight loss
...and we've got weeks to go! I can only imagine how much more I will learn throughout the process. :)
Enjoy your Tuesday!
Oh, and hopefully at the end of this mission- my Snow Angel will look like it was made by a small child.
Right now- it's lookin' a little offensive! (Thanks to the 4 layers I wear out of the house in this cold weather. #ParkaSeason)