WHY??!?! Why.
Today's word is just that. Why?
Why am I on this journey to get healthy?
Well, let's start with the answer to that question.
(but first...a little dose of reality. This isn't all sunshine and sparkles yet.)
In fact, this is how i'm feeling right now...(trapped in a new healthy lifestyle, and i'm about to freak out!)
...because today is the day I give up soda. I have been drinking Sun Drop, Diet Coke, and Dr. Pepper since my Baptism, so giving this up will not be easy.
I am one of the happiest people on earth, but after today, I can't make any promises about mood swings, ect. ;)
In all honesty, I am so so proud of the entire GDC team! We all have different goals, and will work hard to achieve them over the next 30 days.
As much as I do not want to give up my diet coke and my large pizzas, chinese food splurges, and 3-7 bags of chips/cookies a day (trips to vending will be much less frequent), I know it's the right thing to do.
Because I want to make sure I don't gain weight. I want to make sure my blood pressure stays normal. I want to make sure I am the best me that I can be!
Thank God for this challenge, I am thrilled!
I am a girl that needs motivation. I need a coach. I need a reason. I want to make a change, and I am beyond thankful to work on a Morning Television Show that will help me do just that!
Hello! :)
Does this mean we get a morning workout routine?
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